How to cure PCOD/PCOS Permanently | Natural Remedies for PCOS

How to cure PCOD/PCOS Permanently | Natural Remedies for PCOS

How to cure PCOD/PCOS Permanently | Natural Remedies for PCOS

Nowadays 1/8th of women have these problems due to our unhealthy lifestyles and no one being aware of our bodies.

What is PCOD/PCOS?

Hormonal imbalance is the main root cause of PCOD/PCOS. It produces too much testosterone, which interferes with the development of the follicles (the sacs in the ovaries where eggs develop) and prevents normal ovulation.

Likewise, Extra produced male hormones disrupt the menstrual cycle, so women with PCOS get fewer periods than usual.

PCOS occurs insulin resistance. Due to this effect, a high amount of insulin is produced in our bodies. So it is the way to diabetes.

Causes of PCOD/PCOS:

Hormonal Imbalance 
Insulin Resistance 
Ovaries produced too much testosterone due to high insulin.
Family history (Women whose mothers and sisters have PCOS or type-2 diabetes might be likelier to develop the prior.)

Symptoms of PCOD/PCOS:
  • Weight Gain
  • Excessive Hair Growth (face, body)
  • Irregular Periods or Heavy Mensuration bleeding
  • Diabetes
  • Infertility
  • Increased level of male hormones
  • Hair loss ( scalp on the hair thinner & loss)
  • Skin Darkening ( neck, in the groin & under the breast)
  • Acne ( Face, chest & upper back)

Weight gain is caused by consuming unhealthy foods and not being aware of your diet. As we have insulin resistance, the glucose conversion is also not working properly, so we are gaining weight due to this. So we should have to maintain a proper healthy diet as well as be aware of you intaking food.

Why Excessive Hair Growth, Irregular Periods & In Fertility?

We can't say the exact reason for excessive hair growth, irregularity in periods & infertility because we have many reasons based on the person,  but it might depend on the high level produced androgens (Produced male hormones) & hormonal issues. It can be avoided by regular workouts & intaking healthy foods.

Healthy Lifestyle strategy to reverse your PCOD/PCOS:

  • Consume healthy green vegetables on daily basis like Ladyfingers, Spinach, Green bean, Lettuce, Bottle gourd, Avarakai etc,

  • Eat more fiber content & proteins with fruits or vegetables.

  • Consume antioxidants by eating a lot of fruits like seasonal fruits & dry fruits.

  • Drinking more water is one of the best ways to avoid weight gain. Approximately consume 1 liter for 20 kgs.

  • Avoid root vegetables like Beetroot, carrot & potatoes, etc.

  • Instead of taking juices, you should take them out fresh or smoothie. (Veg or Fruits without sugar & ice)

  • The sleep cycle should be 6 to 8 hours, an uneven sleep can increase the Coristol hormones. Coristol is the primary stress hormone, due to this hormone increased stress levels increased, sugar levels increased, and also lack of concentration.

Can PCOD/PCOS cure?

Hormonal imbalance plays a vital role in PCOS, so we have to regulate the hormone imbalance to ensure good health. It would be achieved by regular exercise and a proper diet.

Likewise, insulin resistance also should be addressed with PCOS, we didn't care about these, it goes on to diabetes & weight gain.

Before we are looking to cure PCOS, it is not able to suddenly cured and no proof for quick remedies. But we can able to manage the symptoms in many natural ways to eliminate the worst case.

How to cure PCOD/PCOS without taking medicines?

LIFESTYLE change is the first step to curing PCOD or PCOS. It is one severe disease but the good thing is it is 100% curable while following the proper diet & heavy workout to activate the uterus. 

Asanas for PCOD/PCOS:

  • Child pose.
  • Sethu Bandhasana.
  • Butterfly Pose.
  • Supta Badha Konasana.
  • Malasana.
  • Heavy sweating workouts (Jumping jacks, High Jumps & Running) 

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