Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations

1. Punctuality:

1.1. For Direct Classes: Please arrive at the studio at least 5 minutes before the scheduled class start time to allow for check-in and preparation. Latecomers may not be allowed to enter once the class has begun to minimize disruptions.

1.2. For Online Classes: Join the virtual session on time. Late entry may disrupt the class.

2. Personal Belongings:

2.1. For Direct Classes: Store your personal belongings, including shoes, bags, and mobile phones, in the designated areas provided.

2.2. For Online Classes: Ensure your space is clear of distractions and set up your mat and any necessary props in advance.

3. Respect for Others:

3.1. Maintain a peaceful and respectful atmosphere during classes, whether direct or online.

3.2. For Online Classes: Mute your microphone during the class to avoid background noise.

3.3. Keep conversations to a minimum and speak quietly to avoid disrupting others.

3.4. Silence or switch off your mobile phones during class.

4. Cleanliness and Hygiene:

4.1. Practice good personal hygiene by wearing clean, odor-free clothing and using deodorant as needed.

4.2. Bring a clean yoga mat and towel to each class.

4.3. Refrain from wearing heavy perfumes or scents that may be sensitive to others.

5. Health and Safety:

5.1. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, injuries, or concerns, please inform the instructor before the class begins, whether it's a direct or online class.

5.2. Listen to your body and practice within your limits. Do not push yourself into poses that cause discomfort or pain.

5.3. Use props and modifications as needed to support your practice.

6. Equipment Use:

6.1. Use studio equipment and props (for direct classes) with care and return them to their designated storage areas after use.

6.2. For Online Classes: Prepare your own yoga mat and props as needed.

7. Photography and Recording:

7.1. To respect the privacy and comfort of all participants, photography and video recording during classes are generally prohibited. Exceptions may be made with the instructor's consent.

8. Participation and Liability:

8.1. All participants must sign a liability waiver before attending their first class.

8.2. Participants are responsible for their own safety and well-being during classes, whether direct or online. [Your Yoga Studio/Class Name] is not liable for any injuries or accidents that may occur.

9. Cleanliness of the Space:

9.1. For Direct Classes: Dispose of any trash in designated bins and leave the practice area as clean as you found it.

9.2. For Online Classes: Ensure your practice space is clean and tidy.

10. Dress Code:

10.1. Dress comfortably in appropriate yoga attire that allows for freedom of movement.

10.2. Avoid wearing heavy jewelry or accessories that may interfere with your practice.

11. Stay Hydrated: 

11.1 Bring a water bottle and stay hydrated throughout the class. Take sips between poses or during rest periods.

12. Menstruation:

12.1  During your menstrual cycle, Please refrain from your regular asana practice. practice mindfulness & tranquilizing pranayamas for the 1st 3 days of your cycles.

13. Feedback and Communication:

13.1. We value your feedback and encourage open communication. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to us through our designated channels.

By participating in our yoga classes, you agree to abide by these rules and regulations. We appreciate your cooperation in creating a positive and supportive yoga environment, whether it's in-person or online.

Terms and Conditions

1. Registration and Payment:

1.1. Participants must register and pay for classes in advance through our online booking system or in-person at our studio.

1.2. Payment methods accepted include electronic transfers, or cash, as specified on our website or at the studio.

2. Class Reservations:

2.1. Class reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis.

2.2. Participants are encouraged to arrive at least 5 minutes before the scheduled class start time.

3. Cancellations and Refunds:

3.1. Once payment is made and registration is confirmed, there is no option for cancellation or refund.

4. Health and Medical Conditions:

4.1. Participants should consult with a healthcare provider before starting any exercise program, including yoga, especially if they have pre-existing medical conditions or injuries.

4.2. Please inform the instructor of any health concerns, injuries, or medical conditions before the class begins.

5. Behavior and Respect:

5.1. Participants are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and considerate manner toward instructors and fellow students.

5.2. Disruptive or inappropriate behavior may result in removal from the class without a refund.

6. Studio Policies:

6.1. Participants must adhere to the studio's policies and guidelines, including rules regarding cleanliness, cell phone usage, and personal hygiene.

7. Personal Belongings:

7.1. The studio is not responsible for lost or stolen personal belongings. Participants are encouraged to secure their belongings in designated areas.

8. Schedule Changes:

8.1. The studio reserves the right to change class schedules, instructors, or locations without prior notice.

9. Marketing and Promotion:

9.1. By attending classes, participants consent to being photographed or filmed for marketing and promotional purposes. Please notify the studio in writing if you do not wish to be included.

Please review and accept these terms and conditions before participating in our yoga classes. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.

Thank you for choosing us. We guide you with care.
